Friday, 21 March 2014

Water Cycle

We have been learning about the water cycle.  

Ben wrote about what we did today and interviewed some students to get their thoughts.

Today the class made some awesome water cycles.  We added salt water, dirty water, clean water, and blue water.  We are curious to see what happens on Monday. Here are some ideas:

I think it will evaporate up to the sun and on Monday it will start raining. - Aidan

I think it will turn into a cloud and start raining. - Tara

I think it won’t do anything. - Julia

I think it will make a lot of clouds and start to rain. - Sofia

Wow we have some great predictions!


  1. I would love to hear whether (weather?) your predictions came true.

  2. I saw these this morning. I am looking forward to seeing them later today after the sun has been on them. I wonder what will happen? They also look pretty on the windows a bit like strained glass windows.
