Thursday 27 March 2014

Reading Strategies Video

We know that good readers are always thinking!  We have been learning about different reading strategies we can use each time we read.  Here's a video we made about the different strategies we've learnt so far.  We shared this with the whole school at the assembly on Friday.  Hope you enjoy it!


  1. I think it's great how we are learning reading strategies and have made it so much fun. I've been using everything I've learnt by making and writing magazines at home. How many people in our class will grow up to be AMAZING authors? From Emma

  2. you have done a great job from Matthew Edward Richrds Room 8

  3. Good job room 7!

  4. I think it was a great idea Miss Grassi! I liked getting recorded reading a book with my friend. I liked finding out the name for that thing I do in my head when there is not
    any pictures, It was called visualising.
